Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I'm such a fucking genius

So, it's the last day of the month, so I got paid today.

I'm still broke, however.

"Huh?", you ask?

Allow me to explain.

I received my paycheque for this month's salary at roughly 11am. Like the idiot I was, I didn't cash it during my lunch break. However, after work, I decided that "hey, since I got paid today, I could afford to spend a little today" and did exactly that.

When I was about to go home, however, I checked the contents of my wallet. I only had HK$90 left.

It was past 6pm, and all the banks were closed.

Tomorrow is a public holiday, so they wouldn't be open tomorrow either.

The reality and stupidity of my actions dawned on me. I was essentially left to survive on HK$90 (roughly us$12) until mid-Friday.

So, although I suppose I could say I have several thousand Hong Kong dollars, none of that is of any use to me until then.


Monday, June 28, 2004

The deal of the century!

Wow, what a deal!

I was actually hoping to post this picture earlier, but various circumstances prevented that from happening. Namely the fact that my camera and this little price sign thingie were never at the same place at the same time.

You see, I ventured into the supermarket and saw that sign last... Tuesday. I immediately reached for my digital camera, which...

.... I didn't have with me. Shit.

I... was not to be foiled, however!

There was a sign like that for every flavour, you see. ("YG", in the sign, stands for "Yoghurt".) I looked around. They... wouldn't miss one, right? I mean, they had, like, six of them saying the same thing, overlapping each other. They get the general idea, don't they?

I called on my super stealth ninja skills, grabbed one, and quickly hid one under my shirt!

I looked around again. Nobody seemed to notice.

Or maybe nobody seemed to care. It didn't matter either way.

Anyway, I took it home. When I got home, however, I was far too tired and fell asleep almost immediately. The sign got no picture loving that night.

The next day, I went in for wisdom tooth extraction. After that, I went and bought myself a new laptop, bringing the camera and laptop into Shenzhen... but not the sign.

I... went back to Hong Kong on Thursday. Without the camera. So I had the sign in front of me, but it still got no picture loving. I had to go back to Shenzhen for the weekend, where the camera was, but not the sign.

Finally, I packed the camera into my laptop bag last night, and returned to HK. Where... finally, the sign and camera were united! Yay!

So here you have the picture.

Or something.

Friday, June 25, 2004

yay! shiny new laptop!

Well. I'm not dead.

So, I went to Shenzhen right after the extraction, so I didn't really post on here. I'm back to slacking off at work today, though, so here's an update!

So, yeah, the extraction.

The advantage of local anesthetic is that you feel no pain in the few hours immediately after the extraction. The pain slowly creeps in as the time passes, until it quite obviously hurts after three hours or so.

It was under these circumstances that I bargained for and bought my new laptop, but I'll get into that later.

After five or six hours, the pain reached the peak. It felt just like it did when that area got infected before the extraction, except the pain was maybe 5-10 times as sharp. Ouch. That wasn't pleasant.

I suppose the pain is good, though. Pain means that they didn't sever any major nerves and paralyze my jaw. Pain is a sign that everything is going all right, just... painful. Heh.

I... wasn't able to eat much that night. A quarter of a bowl of congee. Ugh.

The day after, though, was much better. The pain had receded into a dull ache. My cheek, however, was now visibly swollen. It pretty much felt okay as long as I didn't try to chew anything and nobody made me laugh.

Laughing hurts now. God damn.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I so needed to know that -_-

<@_yeah> well, let's see what we have here
<@_yeah> "kaolin and pectin mixt x 120ml"
<@_yeah> and
<@_yeah> "hyoscine butybromide 10mg x 12 tabs"
<@akikonomu> kaolin?? pectin?? why is yeah eating ceramic tablets?
<@_yeah> it's a ceramic tablet?
<@_yeah> it comes in this... bottle.
<@akikonomu> ...
<@akikonomu> but kaolin is a ceramic base
<@akikonomu> and pectin one of the proteins that make clingwrap
<@_yeah> the nurse told me to make sure i stop taking it if the diarrhea stops if i don't want to suffer from constipation afterwards
<@akikonomu> wtf is the medicinal use of a kaolin/pectin mix?
<@akikonomu> ah.
<@akikonomu> so it turns your diarrhea into a solid mass otherwise known a
s normal shit
<@_yeah> i... think i might have been better off not knowing that.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Sense of security

Nothing like a nice well-stocked first aid kit to give you a sense of security in case somebody gets hurt. Is that an entire THREE band-aids I see? WOW! -_-

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Oddly warped chopsticks

Bleh, takeout lunch for today.

... something tells me that these takeout chopsticks, however cheap they may be, were not supposed to be shaped like this. -_-

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Exciting new professions

Pictured here is a profession that probably didn't exist in Hong Kong before the whole SARS craze.

No, not the lady that rudely walked in front of my camera. The guy on the right.

What this guy does, is... he carries around that rag and bucket, and holds the rag against the escalator handrail, disinfecting it. Then after a while he cleans the rag, squirts more disinfectant on it, and moves onto another escalator. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Who says SARS was bad for the economy? :)

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Wow, how confidence-inspiring. -_-

(note that when I took this picture, the register in question had actually locked up during the boot-sequence - i.e. the bar at the bottom wasn't moving, and didn't seem to move at all for the entire time I was standing there waiting for my turn.)

Monday, June 07, 2004

I'm fucked.

I can already imagine the pain. ;_;

Fruit smoothies, here I come. T-T

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well, shit.

How the hell do I get the broken connector out? -_-

I've tried needlenose pliers, and that's only succeeded in pulling out the little metal contacts, leaving the big hunk of plastic firmly wedged inside.

I think I'm going to have to remove the motherboard and try to lever it out from the side or something. :/

In other news, one of the drives did a weird reset-CRC-check error thing today. Since this is going to be in a production server, I didn't want to take any chances. I started a full drive check using WD's utility thing before I left work today. Hopefully when I get there tomorrow morning it'll say there are no errors.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Too bad they're not mine. :(

mwa ha ha ha ha!


It died again!

Hopefully the hard drive isn't completely dead yet.

Tomorrow I'll convince the boss we need to replace that hard drive.

(Might as well go all the way and try to convince him we really DO need a nice large one since they're so cheap nowadays >_>)