The deal of the century!

Wow, what a deal!
I was actually hoping to post this picture earlier, but various circumstances prevented that from happening. Namely the fact that my camera and this little price sign thingie were never at the same place at the same time.
You see, I ventured into the supermarket and saw that sign last... Tuesday. I immediately reached for my digital camera, which...
.... I didn't have with me. Shit.
I... was not to be foiled, however!
There was a sign like that for every flavour, you see. ("YG", in the sign, stands for "Yoghurt".) I looked around. They... wouldn't miss one, right? I mean, they had, like, six of them saying the same thing, overlapping each other. They get the general idea, don't they?
I called on my super stealth ninja skills, grabbed one, and quickly hid one under my shirt!
I looked around again. Nobody seemed to notice.
Or maybe nobody seemed to care. It didn't matter either way.
Anyway, I took it home. When I got home, however, I was far too tired and fell asleep almost immediately. The sign got no picture loving that night.
The next day, I went in for wisdom tooth extraction. After that, I went and bought myself a new laptop, bringing the camera and laptop into Shenzhen... but not the sign.
I... went back to Hong Kong on Thursday. Without the camera. So I had the sign in front of me, but it still got no picture loving. I had to go back to Shenzhen for the weekend, where the camera was, but not the sign.
Finally, I packed the camera into my laptop bag last night, and returned to HK. Where... finally, the sign and camera were united! Yay!
So here you have the picture.
Or something.
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