Saturday, May 22, 2004

Whee, boat cruises!

So, I went on some sort of a... boat cruise, or something, today.

It was... not altogether unpleasant.

We didn't go very far though - just to Lamma Island, which honestly you can take a ferry to ANYWAY without having to rent a private boat for and had a seafood dinner.

The dinner was... it was okay. Not the best quality stuff I've had. The fish, in particular, was relatively disappointing.

The trip itself was nice though. Cruising through both calmer waters in Hong Kong and the more violent channel between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon were pleasant in their own ways.

Seeing the IFC up close from the water was neat. It's so brightly-lit at night that it kind of overshadows the rest of the HK skyline. Too bad my camera sucks at night shots - it would have been nice to get a good shot of it at that angle. Ah well.

Too bad it was overcast, or we would have been able to see lots of stars.

Well, hopefully we'll be able to rent it again this summer on a nice clear night. Last year we got some nice stargazing in on the way back.


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